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Happy Birthday, IYSO!

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International Youth Symphony Orchestra, Fotocredit Ulrike Bergmann-Seifert
International Youth Symphony Orchestra © Ulrike Bergmann-Seifert
Mon 18 Aug 2025
07:30 PM
Die Glocke (Großer Saal)
Bremen Domsheide 6-8
28195 Bremen Bremen
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Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowsky: »Romeo and Julia« (Fantasieouvertüre nach Shakespeare)
Shafi Badreddin: »Rhapsodie pathétique«
David Amram: Triple Concerto
Noam Sheriff: »Akeda«
Benjamin Britten: The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra Op. 34

The idea to create an International Youth Symphony Orchestra (IYSO) came to music school director Heiner Buhlmann in 1999 after numerous tours with his Bremen youth symphony orchestra and the friends made along the way. What began as family concerts organised by the Glocke developed into a success story. After a break during the pandemic in 2020, this international project orchestra made up of 100 young people from 12 countries now gets together for the 25th time! The »Rhapsodie pathétique« for qanun (an oriental plucked fretless zither) and orchestra by Syrian composer Shafi Badreddin is dedicated to the child victims of the civil war in Syria. Noam Sheriff composed »Akeda« in 1997 in memory of assassinated Israeli prime minister Itzhak Rabin. David Amram’s Triple Concerto combines classical, folk and world music with jazz, while Benjamin Britten’s »The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra« uses a melody by Henry Purcell as the theme for 13 variations – happy birthday, IYSO!

International Youth Symphony Orchestra Bremen
Taoufik Mirkhan qanun
Martin Lentz conductor

Organised by Glocke Veranstaltungs-GmbH and Freundeskreis des JSO Bremen e.V. in cooperation with the Musikfest Bremen