17. AUGUST‒ 07. SEPTEMBER 2024




B'Rock Orchestra (© Mirjam Devriendt)

B'Rock Orchestra (© Mirjam Devriendt)

Thursday , 05.09.24 - 7:30 pm

Ludwig van Beethoven: Missa solemnis in D major op. 123

»From the heart - may it return to the heart!« was the motto Ludwig van Beethoven wrote for his »Missa solemnis«, whose monumental score pushed the boundaries of church music at the time. Originally intended as the service music for the investiture of his patron Archduke Rudolph as Archbishop, the mass setting ended up taking on dimensions that made Beethoven himself call it one of his most accomplished works. René Jacobs, always the consummate researcher of original sources, continues to make listeners think with his authoritative interpretations. A sophisticated visionary, the Belgian conductor will bring the most out of a score full of radical contrasts and abundant emotions. His trusted B’Rock Orchestra has mastered the art of combining historically informed performance and dynamic reaction speed into expressive intensity. Together with a celebrated quartet of solo vocalists, the Zürcher Sing-Akademie, praised for its dream-like homogeneity, fascinating clarity and flexible balance, they are guaranteed to master the enormous demands Beethoven’s monumental works sets with ease.

B’Rock Orchestra
Birgitte Christensen Soprano
Sophie Harmsen Mezzosoprano
Thomas Walker Tenor
Johannes Weisser Baritone
Zürcher Sing-Akademie
René Jacobs Conductor

Tickets € 50 / 40 / 30 / 20 / 12 (concessions 20 %)

Supported by the Verdener Freunde des Musikfest Bremen and EIL EURO-INDUSTRIE-LEASING

Bus shuttle Bremen – Verden – Bremen / Departure and arrival times:
Departure Domsheide: 6:00 pm
Start of concert: 7:30 pm
Departure venue: ca. 9:10 pm
Arrival Domsheide: ca. 10:05 pm
Ticket price: 17 EUR
Bus tickets can only be purchased at the Glocke ticket service (Tel. 0421 / 33 66 99, Mon-Fri 12-18, Sat 11-14) or in the Musikfest-Webshop.