Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: »Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots« (sacred singspiel) K. 35
Mozart was a child prodigy who grew up to be a musical genius – nothing new there! But did you know that when he was just 11 years old, he wrote a sacred singspiel entitled »Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots«? Exactly – a composer’s more mature works often overshadow their early compositions! The work was commissioned by the Archbishop of Salzburg for the 1767 Easter festivities. Its libretto depicts a lapsed Christian who, despite temptations, is led back to the path of virtue by the spirit of Christianity, aided by Divine Mercy and Justice. So how does Mozart translate this into music? He already demonstrates a masterly command of orchestral and vocal composition and his unerring sense of dramatic depth. Camille Delaforge and her young ensemble Il Caravaggio, who aim to be as theatrical, expressive and spiritual as their namesake, invite you to rediscover this remarkable early work.
Ensemble Il Caravaggio
Lila Dufy soprano
Mathilde Ortscheidt mezzosoprano
Julien Behr tenor
Camille Delaforge conductor
supported by the Wolfgang und Ursula Braun Stiftung
in cooperation with the Philharmonische Gesellschaft Bremen