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Ida Nielsen & The Funkbots feat. Zap Mama

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Ida Nielsen, Fotocredit NPG Records
Ida Nielsen © NPG Records
Sat 16 Aug 2025
07:00 PM
Landgericht Bremen
Domsheide 16
28195 Bremen
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33 (concessions 20 %)

»Empowering Women’s Groove«

Danish bassist, singer, songwriter and band leader Ida Nielsen has made funk her own. So brilliantly in fact, that she was a member of Prince’s bands The New Power Generation and 3rdEyeGirl for six years – »the most magical musical journey ever« as she recalls. Like the US superstar, who died in 2016, she moves between rock, funk, hip-hop, neo-soul, reggae and world music with her Funkbots. But one thing is always certain: her ecstatic bass play soaring above this fast-pace mix with slap, fingerstyle, improvisation, sound and stage presence!

Ida Nielsen & The Funkbots feat. Zap Mama


1, 2 or 3 out of 18 – how it works

Around the market square, nine venues each host two 45-minute concerts in three time slots. All venues have two shared intervals for spontaneous encounters and stimulating exchanges. Individual tickets can be booked for each event at a standard price of 33 euros, so you can choose for yourself whether you would like to attend one, two or three concerts to start off the festival!


presented by Mercedes-Benz AG – Werk Bremen and WESER-KURIER
supported by Die Senatorin für Wirtschaft, Häfen und Transformation and NORDMETALL